areolateWord of the Day

Welcome to JoltWord, the Social Dictionary!


JoltWord is a unique dictionary app where your vote helps shape the world of words. Ever found a word that particularly resonated with you? Or discovered a phrase that needs more recognition? Here, you can give those words the attention they deserve by giving them a Jolt!

Let's Give Words a Jolt!

When you Jolt a word, you're giving it a vote and propelling it up in our rankings. Each session, you can Jolt a word up to a certain limit (your Jolt value). The more Jolts a word has, the higher it ranks on our main page, and the more likely it is to be discovered by other users. Want to track the words you've Jolted? Just sign in, and all your Jolted words are saved to your account!


Leech: Striking A Balance

Over the course of 12 hours, a word's votes will leech or decay by a certain amount. This ensures that no single word maintains dominance for too long and allows newer or less popular words a chance to shine.


Next Features

This is a demo app currently, but we have a lot of ideas for future features! You'll find some below:

  • Occasional Bugs in Parsing of API Tokens: There are edge cases still where certain structures of the API tokens means they are not parsed correctly, although this is more seldom than not it can lead to strange interactions once and awhile.
  • AI Suggestions: We would like to add a feature where users can interact with OpenAI or another API to prompt example sentences with the word of the day, matching a selected mood, tone, genre or in the style of famous writers.
  • Mood Words or Phrases for Users: Add a selection of mood words for users to choose from to describe them on the given day, via their profile, or compose a sentence.
  • Social Feed and Friend Connections: The previous feature could tie into larger social features and a social feed, where users can see what other users/friends are feeling and how they are using the word of the day.
  • Word of the Day Archive: We would like to create an archive of past words of the day.
  • Word of the Day Email: We would like to send users an email with the word of the day.
  • Rate-Limiting and Spam Prevention: Add rate-limiting and spam prevention to the word voting system. This is a demo app so did not implement this feature prior to gathering feedback, but it would be necessary for a production app.

If you come back later, you may find some of these features implemented, or a poll on the landing page allowing users to vote on future roadmap initiatives. In the mean time, happy Jolting!